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In Progress


When Laurie first explained that we were going to be making a video game, I was curious, but I also felt a sharp twang of panic.

 I thought, "I've never made a video game before!  How am I expected to make something that takes people YEARS to develop them!"  Then I put it out of my mind because life is hard and I don't have time to worry about whatever's happening outside of my next due date.  Fast forward a few weeks and I'm deep into web tutorials trying to figure out how to accomplish what I wanted to portray through my game, to no avail.  Needless to say, my levels of frustration were pretty high.  I know how to read and write HTML (thank you Myspace), and I understand a bit of CSS, but everything I saw online for GameMaker was coding-based, and I didn't want to go down that road just yet.


Regardless, I was able to use trial-by-error to figure out how to accomplish some of what I was hoping.  I wanted to create a side-scrolling game, which required adding gravity to my game.  At this point, the internet became a close friend.  I am pretty happy with what I was able to come up with, and I'm excited to make more of these in future, as well as to introduce this to my future class.  I know my boyfriend is interested in making his own, so I'll get some more practice of teaching it before I bring it into the classroom.  

I also found out one of the games I was playing last year was made on GameMaker, and I'm totally in awe.  

Check out the trailer here:

Click me!  You won't be disappointed!

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