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Making the podcast was a great refresher for me.  I have quite a bit of experience working with video editing, so it was fun to dust off the ol' skill set and try out a new combination of mediums.

For my stop-motion I used my handy-dandy camera and remote trigger, then ported it into the actions window of Photoshop to create the animation.  For the audio I simply recorded my script using my iPhone, then texted the file to myself.  

Rather than using GarageBand, Audacity, and iMovie, I used Adobe Premiere to combine everything.

While creating this project, however, I made sure to stay aware of my process and how I would teach others the ins-and-outs of the program.  That being said, I have taught this program to others before, and I believe it can be a very enriching experience even though Premiere is more complicated than other video-editing software.

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